Im 7 Weeks Pregnant What Should I Expect

Breast milk is best for your baby

Breast milk is best for babies. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Health Promotion Board (HPB) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. At around six months of age (but not before 4 months), infants should receive nutritionally adequate and age-appropriate complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.

Abbott Singapore fully recognises breast milk's primacy, value and superiority and supports exclusive breastfeeding as recommended by the WHO.

The content on this website is intended as general information for Singaporean residents only and should not be used as a substitute for medical care and advice from your healthcare practitioner. The HPB recommends that infants start on age-appropriate complementary foods at around 6 months, whilst continuing breastfeeding for up to 2 years or beyond to meet their evolving nutritional requirements. If no longer breastfeeding, toddlers can switch to full cream milk after 12 months. This should be complemented by a good variety of solid foods from the four main food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and alternatives). For more information on the nutritional requirements of infants and young children, please visit


Your Pregnancy Week 7

A Tiny Person Emerges


Baby's Growth and Development at 7 Weeks Pregnant

During the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, your baby's heartbeat was the big story. At 7 weeks pregnant, the most exciting event is your baby's developing facial and physical features. Highlights for your 7th week of pregnancy include:

  • By the 7th week of pregnancy, she is 1/3 of an inch to half an inch long now — barely the length of your pinky fingernail.
  • Your baby's face becomes more defined when you're 7 weeks pregnant. Her mouth, nostrils, and ears begin to appear.
  • When you're 7 weeks pregnant, the lenses in your baby's eyes begin to form and the iris color is visible.
  • Her arms, shoulders, hands, legs, and feet begin to take shape by the 7th week of pregnancy, with the early formation of fingers and toes just another week away.
  • Around the 7th and 8th week of your pregnancy, your baby's body elongates and her neck straightens.
  • Your baby's brain becomes more complex during the 7th week of pregnancy. The skull that's growing to protect it is transparent and rounding.


Your Changing Body at 7 Weeks Pregnant

Your body continues to undergo lots of change to support your growing baby during the 7th and 8th weeks of pregnancy. Here's what's going on:

  • Your hormone production increases during the 7th week of pregnancy.
  • You might continue to experience some of the common symptoms of pregnancy such as breast tenderness, fatigue, or faintness.
  • You might feel like you have PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) with your emotional ups and downs.
  • By the 7th week of your pregnancy, a mucous plug now blocks the cervical canal, helping prevent germs from getting into your uterus. The mucous plug will pass late in pregnancy.


Wellness and Nutrition at 7 Weeks Pregnant

Nutrition, exercise, and rest are essential parts of a healthy pregnancy. Practicing good habits now will help you throughout pregnancy, during labor and delivery and beyond.

Exercise for Yourself and Your Baby

If you're already active by the 7th week of your pregnancy, you're off to a great start. If you haven't been as active as you'd like to be, this is a great time to get going. And remember:

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity all or most days of the week. Try for 30 minutes of physical activity or exercise a day.
  • You can break up exercise into small segments throughout the day or do it all at once.
  • Pregnant women with medical or obstetric complications should speak with their doctors about an exercise plan.


Between the 5th and 8th weeks of pregnancy, nutrition plays a huge role in developing your baby's nervous, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems. At 7 weeks pregnant, continue to make nutrition a priority by following these tips:

  • Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, indigestion, and other changes in your digestive system can make eating a little challenging. Try:
    • Eating smaller, more frequent meals
    • Limiting foods that may irritate your digestive systems
    • Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water
  • Double your iron intake. Increased blood volume during pregnancy and the demands of your growing baby put pregnant women at higher risk of iron deficiency or anemia. Include iron-rich foods such as leafy greens, beef, eggs, and nuts in your diet. Prenatal supplements also include extra iron.
  • Keep taking prenatal supplements. They provide an extra source of iron, folic acid, and other important vitamins and minerals. Remember that prenatal supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet.

Im 7 Weeks Pregnant What Should I Expect


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